Saturday, October 18, 2008

Who doesn't love a good tailgate?

So I know I haven’t blogged to much about the wedding and the fun events we have planned around the wedding but I have started many projects that will be used throughout the weekend. So I am gonna let you all in on one of my favorite projects so far.

The Saturday night before the wedding we are having a welcome tailgate theme party. This party will let us showcase our love of the place we met and fell in love, University of Arizona. And it will also be a way for us to welcome our family and friends who are coming from all over the country to see us enter into a life long commitment to each other. So once we were set on the tailgate theme I started thinking about fun decorations that are easy to set up, easier to take down, and will liven up the backyard area where the party will take place.

I love team pennants and knew that I would be able to make mini team pennants that I could hang on ribbon and string all over the place. So with that idea in my head I headed out to my all time favorite scrapbook store and went in search for the best cardinal, navy, and white I could find. Within 10 minutes I had what I needed and headed home to start my project. Many cutting hours later (I actually did it over a couple weeks) I had cut 75 12x12 sheets of cardstock into 500+ mini pennants


All my supplies (cardstock already cut) & close up of the pennants.

Than it was time to start stringing all them. So I turned to my trusty permanent sticky tape and lined the top of each pennant with it. Pealing and sticking I finished 2 rolls of ribbon when I realized I would need tons more sticky tape and a few more rolls of ribbon. So for now I am at a stand still until I get to the store for more supplies but I wanted to share this fun project because I cannot wait to see them in action – in less than 9 months!!!

Finished pennants -- still a few more pennants to hang!


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