It does not matter how well Governor Palin did in the Vice Presidential debate. She can not erase the harm that she created in her Katie Couric interview.
I am distraught because she could not name another Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade. What about Griswold v. Connecticut? That case sets the foundation for Roe. What about flag burning? What about prayer in schools? What about gay sodomy? There were so many cases the conservatives despise. Just name a case. I think every American knows about Bush v. Gore.
As CNN reports, this “election could decide the future of the federal courts.” CNN states that the next president could nominate two to four justices. On the Supreme Court, John Paul Stevens is 88, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 75 and has had health problems, and David Souter recently turned 69. I am not sure about four justices, but definitely has a chance to nominate a couple.
There is a lot at stake in the federal court system: fair pay for women, employment discrimination, the role of religion in government, and so forth.
And Palin could not come up with a single intelligent statement about the Supreme Court? Absolutely astonishing.
Then she said she believes there is a Constitutional right to privacy. The conservatives do not believe this! Justices Scalia and Thomas absolutely do not believe in a Constitutional right to privacy because it is not written in the Constitution.
They are originalists and textualists; anything the (old, white, rich, MEN) Framers did not intend over 200 years ago or not written explicitly is not included in the Constitution in their minds. I, for one, like a living Constitution that Justice Breyer believes, not a dead one like Justices Scalia and Thomas subscribe to.
Privacy is the argument supporting Roe v. Wade. Palin has no idea what she is talking about. Absurd.
Originalism is the most obnoxious thoery, but this is a blog for another day, at least a couple of blogs how terrible the theory is.
As a graduate of law school waiting bar results, this offends me deeply and it should offend every American. She is trying to make “Joe Six-pack” look cool. Being ignorant is not a quality I want in a Vice President, especially one who wants to expand the role of the Vice President.
Absolutely scary.
- Jen
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