Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Oh baby, baby...

Yeah I know we need to get married first but with all the prego women in my office and than all the baby talk in blog land I couldn’t help myself. Many bloggers have stumbled upon and well I couldn’t resist any longer. So after giving in to temptation I logged in and uploaded a couple photos of Barry and me and clicked submit. I let the computer pick the sex and the ethnicity (it claims to be 90% accurate which is good enough for me) and just named them Baby 1 through 4. I choose 4 for no specific reason but figured it was a good even number. So with that I give you our future children.

Baby 1 & Baby 2

Baby 3 & Baby 4

What scares me most is not that our first child looks nothing like the last three (don't worry no milk man for me). What I am a little scared about it the fact that the last three look almost identical like we might have some triplets in our future (I guess I could have labeled the last three A, B & C.) Now that scares me. Going from 1 to 4 in less than 9 months. WOW. It was fun to find out what our kids would look like if all we had to do was put a face photo into the computer and out popped some kids.

The site is fun. They even let you make babies with celebs. Now that is for a whole other day.


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