I was annoyed with my rat-looking Toto in a basket, but I just learned it is a purse!!! It has made Toto that much cooler. I am officially excited for Halloween now.
How cool is he?!
I was annoyed with my rat-looking Toto in a basket, but I just learned it is a purse!!! It has made Toto that much cooler. I am officially excited for Halloween now.
How cool is he?!
And her aunt will wear this costume... It actually doesn't look that hoochy on. I love my Toto in a basket, but he kind of looks like a rat. Only if Lilly was here this weekend. I am just kidding. But I do think she would make a great Toto. :-)
With that - I wish everyone a Happy (safe) Halloween!
(Yay for our wedding colors!)
- Jen
This wedding process has been pretty smooth thus far, but for one minor bump (the stupid limo). But even that has worked out.
We have most of the wedding planned: the church, the priest, wedding website, the reception/cocktail, DJ, cake, flowers, wedding dress, limo, STDS sent, and now I am working on hair/makeup appointment. It is a Catholic ceremony so most of it is planned – we even have family friends who are going to play the organ and sing.
Left to do: bridesmaid dresses, minor details like hair, candy/desert bar, picture slideshow, and DIY (do-it-yourself) projects…
Oh goodness DIY… I like being creative. I like scrapbooking, but I do not think I am a DIY bride.
That is the reason for this post. I tried working on my wreaths yesterday. The plan is to have two pink wreaths on the church doors; one with a blue J and the other with a blue M.
I can say I REALLY love my blue letters that I painted yesterday – that part of the project went well. They are the correct blue and right size. Perfect for the pink wreaths.
I started hot gluing the tissue paper flowers on to the wreath and disaster happened. I burned my finger, flowers fell off, and it looks terrible thus far. And the hours worth of tissue flowers I made, only covers ¼ of the wreath. And the little guys (little tissue flowers) do not look correct on it, so those were ditched. Disaster. I wanted to throw it across the room. It is a good thing I have 7 months until the wedding… I just need a break from them.
When the suckers are done, how am I going to get them home? Probably ship it and tissue flowers will fall off again. In the end, probably cost the same to pay the florist to make something. Oh well. At least a lot of TLC will go into them. I am more excited to make the floating balls with flowers for the fountain. I will have to wait until my finger stops hurting.
I am just hoping for a job. Funny story.
I applied for a serving job yesterday. I was rejected, even though I had four years of experience serving, and I must say that I was a pretty darn good server. I was rejected because the manager said I was “too qualified” and that I should lie next time about graduating from law school because they want a 6 to 12 month commitment out of their employees, which I totally get, but the serving industry is notorious for people coming and going. She then told me that it takes about 4 months to make money off of a new server. Totally does not make sense. And I am not going to lie to people about my background. I did not go to school 7 years to lie about it. And I just passed the Character and Fitness portion of the bar.
Oh well. Still unemployed. Lame. And I am not going home for Halloween. Sad.
The Saturday night before the wedding we are having a welcome tailgate theme party. This party will let us showcase our love of the place we met and fell in love,
I love team pennants and knew that I would be able to make mini team pennants that I could hang on ribbon and string all over the place. So with that idea in my head I headed out to my all time favorite scrapbook store and went in search for the best cardinal, navy, and white I could find. Within 10 minutes I had what I needed and headed home to start my project. Many cutting hours later (I actually did it over a couple weeks) I had cut 75 12x12 sheets of cardstock into 500+ mini pennants
All my supplies (cardstock already cut) & close up of the pennants.
Than it was time to start stringing all them. So I turned to my trusty permanent sticky tape and lined the top of each pennant with it. Pealing and sticking I finished 2 rolls of ribbon when I realized I would need tons more sticky tape and a few more rolls of ribbon. So for now I am at a stand still until I get to the store for more supplies but I wanted to share this fun project because I cannot wait to see them in action – in less than 9 months!!!
Finished pennants -- still a few more pennants to hang!
Oh yeah this is a fun story that came out of having to go to the bank and the safe deposit box. You might remember we already got our wedding bands way back in April. Well today was the first time I tried it on (since we were there and they were there I figured why not) and well it is HUGE. My ring falls right off my finger. I guess all the working out and watching what I am eating is paying off but I really didn’t need to lose any weight in my fingers, there are a few other trouble areas I would have picked well before my ring finger to loose some inches. But nonetheless it is nice to see that my hard work is really paying off even if I have to pay for an entirely new wedding band because my eternity band CANNOT be resized. All I can do is laugh and roll with the wedding punches.
xoxoSo to the SMOG place I went. Waited in line for a half hour and out the door I went $40 poorer but with my certificate that my car passed her test. I felt like a proud parent waiting in line to pay because some cars didn’t pass and I am sure the bill for those parents will be much higher.
Back to work for a few hours, waiting to met Barry at the bank so I can get into the safe box to get the title out. Lunch time arrived and the bank went flawlessly and back to the DMV to get my new
Baby 1 & Baby 2
Baby 3 & Baby 4
What scares me most is not that our first child looks nothing like the last three (don't worry no milk man for me). What I am a little scared about it the fact that the last three look almost identical like we might have some triplets in our future (I guess I could have labeled the last three A, B & C.) Now that scares me. Going from 1 to 4 in less than 9 months. WOW. It was fun to find out what our kids would look like if all we had to do was put a face photo into the computer and out popped some kids.
An open later to the best two lawyers in
Still LUV them. :-)
- Jen
I have never been so nervous about anything in my life.
Point being, we will no longer be students. We have both been students since kindergarten. In the last couple of months, we have been trying to string out being a student as much as possible, but that life has ended.
Passing the bar is a huge accomplishment and I do not want the accomplishment played down. Getting into law school and graduating does not really bring a huge feeling of pride, but passing the bar would be the biggest accomplishment.
Matt and I will both feel blessed to pass the bar and I approach today with much humility. And it is stressful praying that we both will pass. Matt and I worked hard to get through law school - having a relationship of over 200 miles apart and engaging with new people and activities which we had never done before. Tonight it could all pay off. A long distance relationship, in law school in winter, was not fun at all, but it made our relationship stronger.
I have dreamed about being a lawyer my entire life, even my mom will vouch for that. I used to layout in the pool and talk to my mom about becoming a lawyer. I have memories as young as in the fourth grade, even though I was not exactly sure what a lawyer did, I knew they had power to do great things and that is what I wanted – to help people. Even though my actions did not always reflect that I wanted to be in the path of wanting to become a lawyer, I worked hard to overcome those set backs and went to law school. If I became a lawyer today, my lifelong dream will come true today and that is a really big deal to me.
In the end, I know we are blessed with each other and great family and friends, but if we fail, we take it in November and have to wait until May to get results (May being our wedding month). That is a full year after law school graduation. I had hoped to have a legal job before our wedding.
And with the title, I do not mean to make light of the real “Black Tuesday” as well as the days leading up to that terrible day when the stock market crashed in 1929. The economic downturn in this country is incredible and not to be joked about. It is historic. It is affecting every single American.
Time and time we learn, deregulation of the economy is not the way to go. Complete regulation is not the way to go. Nothing in the extremes is advantageous; we need to balance regulations with deregulating certain parts of the economy, although I am, as Democrats are, for more overall regulations.
The individual business person becomes selfish and starts making individualistic decisions with the business, which is why it is so important to have the federal government oversee the economy, often with regulations. The federal government is the most competent organ to regulate the economy, not the individualistic business person. Selfishness prevails and business people get caught up with the "leaky jar syndrome." Once they give in to needs and wants, one just wants more and more; can never "fill" the jar with a leak.
We need to elect Senator Obama (a lawyer). :-)
Lady Justice holding the scales of justice.
So here is to hoping for a better economy and good results tonight. I will be praying for both.
- Jen
I came across a new blog which asked brides (or any groom or happened to stumble upon their site) what is the most unique or favorite aspect of your wedding. This got me thinking and I could not just give one but I did narrow it down to my top two. I know I just posted about Barry planning the honeymoon but it made my top two so this is was my two cents to this blog’s question enjoy…
I think I have a few great wedding ideas up my sleeve but the two that have saved my sanity in this whole wedding planning process are to A. Have a Monday wedding and B. Let the future hubby plan the honeymoon.
Having a Monday wedding is accomplishing a few things. First it is allowing us to SAVE tons of money. I feel like it is a Geico commercial ("I saved tons of money by switching to a MONDAY"). And since the economy is so bad we need to save as much as possible. Second it has allowed me to really think about each vendor. Since I have my pick I can take my time and really look around and most importantly negotiate for what I need and want (goes back to saving money). This has also helped us weed out some bad ones who have told me they have a few people already who want my date. Third it has allowed us to plan a weekend celebration with our family and friends. Yes having a Monday wedding might alienate some potential guest and every couple needs to look at their guest list to see if Monday is feasible but we are now having a welcome tailgate themed BBQ on Saturday night, a everyone is invited to the Rehearsal dinner Sunday night, a wedding on Monday, and a Adios brunch on Tuesday morning. So I am all for a Monday wedding if you think your guest list wouldn't be put off by the untraditional date.
Finally allowing my future hubs to plan the honeymoon is not only a huge stress reliever for me (as I don't need to worry about when payments are due or even need to research where we will be going or what we will do once we get there) but it has brought so much anticipation and excitement to this whole planning process. We have spent many of nights laying in bed me asking him where we are going, how are we getting there, do I need a visa, do I need some shots, what will I pack. And the whole time he just giggles and says you will love it. It also has allowed me to give up something and know that like the wedding it might not be perfect but it will be perfect for us because he planned it.
It was kind of fun to reflect at this point in the planning process and I am sure once the day has come and gone I will reevaluate what my favorite part of the day was – well besides being married!
I thought I would share some of the things Barry has let slipped. I know we are leaving the Wednesday after the wedding and getting back the following Wednesday. This is so nice because it will give us sometime to unpack before we have to jump back into work. I also know that we are leaving from LAX and more than likely will be flying back into LAX, but he hasn’t made those arrangements yet so who knows maybe we will fly back into PHX. Other than that I know nothing. Don’t know what to pack. Don’t know if I will need my passport, a visa or some shots to ward off foreign disease. Since I don’t know anything I guess I will have to plan for everything (I sense some shopping in my future J) But I thought I would leave you with a couple of places I wouldn’t mind being swept off to.
It does not matter how well Governor Palin did in the Vice Presidential debate. She can not erase the harm that she created in her Katie Couric interview.
I am distraught because she could not name another Supreme Court case other than Roe v. Wade. What about Griswold v. Connecticut? That case sets the foundation for Roe. What about flag burning? What about prayer in schools? What about gay sodomy? There were so many cases the conservatives despise. Just name a case. I think every American knows about Bush v. Gore.
As CNN reports, this “election could decide the future of the federal courts.” CNN states that the next president could nominate two to four justices. On the Supreme Court, John Paul Stevens is 88, Ruth Bader Ginsburg is 75 and has had health problems, and David Souter recently turned 69. I am not sure about four justices, but definitely has a chance to nominate a couple.
There is a lot at stake in the federal court system: fair pay for women, employment discrimination, the role of religion in government, and so forth.
And Palin could not come up with a single intelligent statement about the Supreme Court? Absolutely astonishing.
Then she said she believes there is a Constitutional right to privacy. The conservatives do not believe this! Justices Scalia and Thomas absolutely do not believe in a Constitutional right to privacy because it is not written in the Constitution.
They are originalists and textualists; anything the (old, white, rich, MEN) Framers did not intend over 200 years ago or not written explicitly is not included in the Constitution in their minds. I, for one, like a living Constitution that Justice Breyer believes, not a dead one like Justices Scalia and Thomas subscribe to.
Privacy is the argument supporting Roe v. Wade. Palin has no idea what she is talking about. Absurd.
Originalism is the most obnoxious thoery, but this is a blog for another day, at least a couple of blogs how terrible the theory is.
As a graduate of law school waiting bar results, this offends me deeply and it should offend every American. She is trying to make “Joe Six-pack” look cool. Being ignorant is not a quality I want in a Vice President, especially one who wants to expand the role of the Vice President.
Absolutely scary.
- Jen
Can't wait!!
4. Easy Wedding Planning – The wedding planning thus far has been incredibly smooth and easy, that is also because we have only been told no once. Lame. I can see how this business can get incredibly stressful when you are told that the date is booked, especially planning a wedding in a small city (Sioux City) where options are limited.
5. Planning Weddings with Friends – It is great to share this journey with Britney. It is great because we can share details and help each other, while having two unique weddings that fit the couples. I am absolutely thrilled for next summer. And it was great that Barbie was on the same journey this summer.
6. The Sun – It is October and fall has yet to rear it’s ugly head here. I am looking forward to it cooling down a bit, but no South Dakota fall here!
7. Matt - Of course. As we approach being engaged for one year on Sunday, I couldn't be happier or more in love.
Enjoy our random thoughts on life, love, school, work and anything else we feel like today...