Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10, 9, 8, 7....

What a crazy end to the month and year. Christmas in my house is always CrAzY but also always a great time. It was so nice to see my family and just get some R & R, haha yeah right there is no R & R allowed. Our California vacay was jammed packed with holiday parties, wedding tasks, and spending a little time with family. Overall the trip was successful. Not only did we get so many great gifts (a Wii, a set of our china, and tons of other great things) but we made tons of wedding decisions. The cake was decided – future post to come, I got my veil ordered – also more to come, and my mom got so many possible dresses to wear to the wedding. We are excited to be back home and usher in 2009 in Arizona but are already looking forward to our next trip to California (cuz the next scheduled one isn’t until the wedding). Hope everyone had a great Holiday season and has a safe New Years. Get ready for wedding over load in 2009.


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