Friday, December 19, 2008

Why Blog?

Why not? Would be the simple answer but I recently started thinking about why I wanted to start blogging.

For me I like to talk and I figure a blog would be a way for me to talk about things and pretend like others are paying attention to me and what I have to say. I think I also started to blog because I realized that my life was moving past me so quickly and I love to look back and go remember September 19, 2003? You see I have kept all my college day planners that were my life line for 4 years. I wrote down everything in those things – first kisses, first date dashes, first time meeting his mom & sister, a lot of firsts went into those. Now that I am working I don’t really have a need for a paper day planner since all important deadline go into my work calendar and I have pop up reminders to keep me on track so no new first go into it (unless you count the first time I did something at work). So for me blogging is a way to keep track of all the fun things, firsts or not. I am also only planning one wedding (maybe a vow renewal in a few decades or a future kids wedding) but only one wedding of my own. I want to be able to look back at this time and laugh at myself but also remember how awesome this experience has been.

I also started this blog to keep everyone up to date about things I am thinking about, doing, and just giving them a glimpse into my life at the present moment. Last but not least I love public forums – I wish more of our readers would comment – and I love how Jen and I can share such a small space but have such differing views on a variety of topics yet still respect each other at the end of the day. So yeah I think for me blogging has been a good option for me. (Oh yeah and if you do read our blog – and we know you do – leave us a comment, or two.)


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