Friday, December 5, 2008

Can I Have Your Cake & Eat it Too?

So far during our engagement there are only a few things that have remained constant. One being my want and desire to marry Barry, one being our want for a summer wedding and the last my want for our cake design. When we first got engaged I found the most perfect cake and immediately copied the picture to my desk top, and didn’t think I would need to look for another cake. Considering I don’t even like cake, and in all the weddings I have been too have NEVER, I repeat NEVER had a piece of wedding cake I knew it was and still isn’t at the top of my priority list. So since it isn’t at the top of my priority list I was surprised to hear that cake is one of the things that my mom is really excited about. Based on talking with her I know she wants a big beautiful cake. Maybe not as big has the Donald’s cake (picture to the right) but I think she wants the cake to be a focal point. So since we get a cake with whatever package we go with at our location I started looking for different cake options. Round cakes, square cakes, hexagon cake, cake with flowers, cake with ribbon, cake with crystal bling who would have thought choosing cake could be so hard. After looking at so many beautiful cakes on various websites I keep going back to the original cake that I found over a year and a half ago. I think with a little tweaking this cake can be the elegant beautiful focal point that will make all involved very happy. So now that we have a design concept in mind finding the perfect baker should be a breeze, a breeze considering our location only have 3 preferred bakers and our package cake has to come from one of them. I guess considering all the bakers in the Southern California area our venue is doing us a service by narrowing our choices to three. Next up the search for the perfect cake topper and baker.

My Perfect Cake!!


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