Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What’s in a Name?

We won’t be numbering our tables. Yes I know, I know it would be so much easier to just number the tables and hope that no one feels shafted for being sat at table 15 when they thought they should be at table 3. So once we were set on not numbering our tables we started to think about fun alternatives. We could do famous couples or better yet couples that we admire (starting with our family of course). After writing down all the couples we wanted to include we realized we would need far more tables or we would be leaving someone out. So we scratched that idea and moved on. We could do cities we have been to or even just cities we would like to go to. But this idea wasn’t all that fun in my book. I could easily name 50+ cities we have been to together or places we want to go so this one was scratched for being a little too impersonal. My next idea was our favorite anything (TV, food, candy, etc.) but sitting my grandparents at a table named WWF (world wrestling federation) or my anti baby friends at Jon & Kate plus 8 just didn’t feel right on so many levels. So I know we have so many University of Arizona tributes going on in our wedding we wondered if naming our tables places in the Old Pueblo would be a little over the top. But after realizing that our little tributes to a place where we met and fell in love would not be taking away from our classic elegant wedding we were set. Our tables will be named after places in and around the University. Things like Old Main (where Barry snapped many pictures of Brittany and Jen swimming in the fountain), University House on 8th St. (Brittany and Jen’s college apartment complex and where Brittany and Barry first officially met) and Wilber & Wilma (the Husband and Wife mascot team for the University – who by the way were married at half time of a football game, how cool is that?). This is just a little start on the names and fun facts we plan to add at the tables. We hope it will encourage our guest to talk, laugh and maybe even walk around looking at the other table names met a new friend or just learn something new about us. Now I just need to start designing them, and I am stuck on if I want to include pictures that match the name.


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