Tuesday, December 30, 2008

10, 9, 8, 7....

What a crazy end to the month and year. Christmas in my house is always CrAzY but also always a great time. It was so nice to see my family and just get some R & R, haha yeah right there is no R & R allowed. Our California vacay was jammed packed with holiday parties, wedding tasks, and spending a little time with family. Overall the trip was successful. Not only did we get so many great gifts (a Wii, a set of our china, and tons of other great things) but we made tons of wedding decisions. The cake was decided – future post to come, I got my veil ordered – also more to come, and my mom got so many possible dresses to wear to the wedding. We are excited to be back home and usher in 2009 in Arizona but are already looking forward to our next trip to California (cuz the next scheduled one isn’t until the wedding). Hope everyone had a great Holiday season and has a safe New Years. Get ready for wedding over load in 2009.


Friday, December 19, 2008

I Went & Did it!

We have all read/heard about the post wedding chop (well most brides and brides to be have) well I went and chopped mine off last night. Was I thinking about the wedding when I did it? Yeah but not really or I would not have done it. You see I feel so much better about myself when I have a kickass hair cut and well its just hair just like a wedding is just one day so why torture myself growing out my hair when all I care about at the end of the wedding day is being married to Barry. I promise he won’t remember in 25 years if my hair was nearing the top of my booty or if it was at my collar bone. Stay tuned I will post a picture later once the camera is done charging.


Why Blog?

Why not? Would be the simple answer but I recently started thinking about why I wanted to start blogging.

For me I like to talk and I figure a blog would be a way for me to talk about things and pretend like others are paying attention to me and what I have to say. I think I also started to blog because I realized that my life was moving past me so quickly and I love to look back and go remember September 19, 2003? You see I have kept all my college day planners that were my life line for 4 years. I wrote down everything in those things – first kisses, first date dashes, first time meeting his mom & sister, a lot of firsts went into those. Now that I am working I don’t really have a need for a paper day planner since all important deadline go into my work calendar and I have pop up reminders to keep me on track so no new first go into it (unless you count the first time I did something at work). So for me blogging is a way to keep track of all the fun things, firsts or not. I am also only planning one wedding (maybe a vow renewal in a few decades or a future kids wedding) but only one wedding of my own. I want to be able to look back at this time and laugh at myself but also remember how awesome this experience has been.

I also started this blog to keep everyone up to date about things I am thinking about, doing, and just giving them a glimpse into my life at the present moment. Last but not least I love public forums – I wish more of our readers would comment – and I love how Jen and I can share such a small space but have such differing views on a variety of topics yet still respect each other at the end of the day. So yeah I think for me blogging has been a good option for me. (Oh yeah and if you do read our blog – and we know you do – leave us a comment, or two.)


Thursday, December 18, 2008

Another reason why i love him...

I just got a text from my loving future hubbs that says "you are my hero and a genius i love you" What a great little message to get in the middle of a long work day!! I love him too.


Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Parental Control

Let me preface everything I am about to say with I love my future in-laws and am extremely lucky that all four are sane, loving, and caring. Today I got an email in my inbox and the title was Getting Along with Your Future In-Laws. Now this email didn’t look like spam so I opened it up and I guess it isn’t spam but it is from some weird photographers who bought my email address along with all my other personal info from the bridal show I attended, but that is for another day another post.

This article talks all about how in-laws today are different than in-laws of the past. In the past most Americans married the girl or boy next door, who had a similar upbringing, religious beliefs, etc. That made it easier for the bride and groom to understand how each others' parents behaved, and how they are expected to behave with them (e.g., calling them Mr. or Mrs. Whatever versus calling them by their first names). This never occurred to me that I might be viewed as disrespectful because I have always called my future in-laws by their first names. I was just doing what I knew was right and seeing that my parents, grandparents, aunts and uncle have no issues being called by their first names I just made the assumption that it was ok for me to call all of Barry’s relatives (except his grandparents) by their first name as well.

The article also goes on and states you’re not just marrying a person, but their family as well! Plus, since his/her parents are the ones who raised your spouse to be, you can learn a lot about what to expect from your spouse in your marriage, in terms of behavior, personality, etc. This can not be truer. I am lucky that I am getting another KICK ASS family. Barry’s cousins are awesome, his aunts and uncles are great, his parents have been so loving and welcoming, and I can only wish that Barry and I have a successful marriage like his grandparents. I am also confident that his parents have raised a man who is caring, compassionate, driven, meticulous, fun, hard working, and spontaneous, the list can go on and on and for that I will be forever grateful.

So this article opened my eyes just a little more that I need to realize that my norms are not always Barry’s norms and more than likely that means they aren’t his parents or family’s norms as well. And at the end of the day we (Barry and I) are truly lucky to be gaining families that love and care for both of us and will be there to help foster our relationship.


Monday, December 15, 2008

No Bride Wars Here

I can’t wait until January 9, 2009. I know it might seem to be a random date but not only is it officially wedding year but Kate Hudson’s and Anne Hathaway’s new movie Bride Wars comes out. I hadn’t heard about this movie until late last week when one of my coworkers told me about it. She said this movie is so Jen and me (well minus the planning of a couple of weddings on the same day part – so I guess in all reality it isn’t us at all). But nonetheless I so want to see this movie. So far Jen and I haven’t had any issues having our weddings so close together (just about 45 days apart) but I think we are both so excited for the other one and planning such different celebrations that we haven’t had to say “but I am doing that.”

I do remember getting advice from someone that I should not go wedding dress shopping with Jen because “what if we fell in love with the same dress?” Well we went shopping together on multiple occasions and I don’t think we even once tried on the same dress so there was not even the chance that we would want the same dress. So I think this movie will be a good laugh and be a look into what our planning process could have been. But at the end of the day I am so grateful that Jen has been a wonderful, calming, voice of reason during this entire wedding planning process. Oh and a friendly reminder: Jen and Matt only have 166 days until I Do!!!


Thursday, December 11, 2008

My something Pink...

Well I have told you all about my fabulous Jimmy’s for the wedding but who am I kidding there is no way I will be able to wear those all night and party as hard as I plan on doing. Let’s get real. So my next idea was some flip flops. Being that I live in my flip flops almost year round (yes it is a great perk of living in sunny Arizona) I figured this was a great choice. So I looked around for some cute little flip flops. I found some great options. I could do white and be all bridal or I could have my something pink. *Quick side note: Barry’s only two requests for the wedding was that there be an open bar – Check; and that there be no pink – umm no check here.* I was set on having something pink even if no one else would really notice. I would be fine with either these white rainbow’s

or I could go with my something pink.

But when I was out the day after Thanksgiving (yes I know you are supposed to be buying gifts for others but I couldn’t help but look for myself) I found the most perfect pink shoe from Old Navy and they were only $10. How cute is this little ballet flat.

Love it but more importantly I love this pink way more than the rainbow pink. So these will be my reception shoes or shoes for after Jimmy starts to wreak havoc on my feet.


Wednesday, December 10, 2008

What’s in a Name?

We won’t be numbering our tables. Yes I know, I know it would be so much easier to just number the tables and hope that no one feels shafted for being sat at table 15 when they thought they should be at table 3. So once we were set on not numbering our tables we started to think about fun alternatives. We could do famous couples or better yet couples that we admire (starting with our family of course). After writing down all the couples we wanted to include we realized we would need far more tables or we would be leaving someone out. So we scratched that idea and moved on. We could do cities we have been to or even just cities we would like to go to. But this idea wasn’t all that fun in my book. I could easily name 50+ cities we have been to together or places we want to go so this one was scratched for being a little too impersonal. My next idea was our favorite anything (TV, food, candy, etc.) but sitting my grandparents at a table named WWF (world wrestling federation) or my anti baby friends at Jon & Kate plus 8 just didn’t feel right on so many levels. So I know we have so many University of Arizona tributes going on in our wedding we wondered if naming our tables places in the Old Pueblo would be a little over the top. But after realizing that our little tributes to a place where we met and fell in love would not be taking away from our classic elegant wedding we were set. Our tables will be named after places in and around the University. Things like Old Main (where Barry snapped many pictures of Brittany and Jen swimming in the fountain), University House on 8th St. (Brittany and Jen’s college apartment complex and where Brittany and Barry first officially met) and Wilber & Wilma (the Husband and Wife mascot team for the University – who by the way were married at half time of a football game, how cool is that?). This is just a little start on the names and fun facts we plan to add at the tables. We hope it will encourage our guest to talk, laugh and maybe even walk around looking at the other table names met a new friend or just learn something new about us. Now I just need to start designing them, and I am stuck on if I want to include pictures that match the name.


Monday, December 8, 2008

Pillow Me This, Pillow Me That

We have the rings, we have the ring bearer but do we want a ring pillow? So I turned to the internet in search of a ring pillow that called my name. After thinking about ring pillows I have decided against it. No offense to anyone who uses one but I just don't see our jersey clad ring bearer walking down the aisle with a little pillows in his hands.

Would a lovely pillow with a large orange flower suit us? (think orange flower)

What about a pillow with a gray ribbon? (gray ribbon, although the orange could work)

Oh what about the ever popular Palmoas Nest?

Or what about a pillow with the Arizona A on it? (imagine it with out that other schools logo)

For us none these hit it out of the park. Not to mention the little voice in my head asking, “what would I do with it after the wedding?” So I started to think about toys, yes toys. Something our ring bearer would like to keep and maybe even use long after the wedding. What about an actual bear? Or better yet one dressed in Arizona gear.

(maybe a bear dressed in a letterman's jacket)

But that too didn’t seem right but than it hit me like a ton of bricks. A miniature basketball. Yes I said miniature basketball. How perfect? A jersey clad ring bearer carrying a basketball with our rings securely tied by a ribbon (a ribbon that is easily removed right after the ceremony).

(Remove all Standford images and Replace with Arizona goodness)

So now all that is left in order to officially check “Buy ring pillow (or in our case – ring basketball)” off the to do list is to make a trip to the University bookstore during one of our visit and make the purchase.


Viva Las Vegas!!

I just wanted to give a quick shout out to my Cats who beat up on the ScumDevils this past Saturday. Can't wait for December 20 when we head to Vegas.

Bear Down!!!


Friday, December 5, 2008

Can I Have Your Cake & Eat it Too?

So far during our engagement there are only a few things that have remained constant. One being my want and desire to marry Barry, one being our want for a summer wedding and the last my want for our cake design. When we first got engaged I found the most perfect cake and immediately copied the picture to my desk top, and didn’t think I would need to look for another cake. Considering I don’t even like cake, and in all the weddings I have been too have NEVER, I repeat NEVER had a piece of wedding cake I knew it was and still isn’t at the top of my priority list. So since it isn’t at the top of my priority list I was surprised to hear that cake is one of the things that my mom is really excited about. Based on talking with her I know she wants a big beautiful cake. Maybe not as big has the Donald’s cake (picture to the right) but I think she wants the cake to be a focal point. So since we get a cake with whatever package we go with at our location I started looking for different cake options. Round cakes, square cakes, hexagon cake, cake with flowers, cake with ribbon, cake with crystal bling who would have thought choosing cake could be so hard. After looking at so many beautiful cakes on various websites I keep going back to the original cake that I found over a year and a half ago. I think with a little tweaking this cake can be the elegant beautiful focal point that will make all involved very happy. So now that we have a design concept in mind finding the perfect baker should be a breeze, a breeze considering our location only have 3 preferred bakers and our package cake has to come from one of them. I guess considering all the bakers in the Southern California area our venue is doing us a service by narrowing our choices to three. Next up the search for the perfect cake topper and baker.

My Perfect Cake!!


Thursday, December 4, 2008

Crazy Orange or Classic Black?

The easiest group to outfit was my groom, his groomsmen, the bridesmen, and my father. Considering they are spread across the country I thought we were going to have to go through a big chain store to get them suited up but within 5 minutes of talking with Clint we knew exactly what they would be wearing and how to get him all their measurements.

I guess Clint deserves a little back story. Clint’s Formal Wear has been in business for a LONG LONG time and when you walk into his store in Buena Park you see all the celebs he has outfitted from former presidents to TV personalities pictured on the walls. Among all these famous people whom have turned to Clint in their formal wear times of need a few special people in my life have also looked to Clint to get their Tux and Suits just right. You see when my parent’s got married in 1981 they too went to visit Clint to outfit their wedding party. I knew we would be in great hands if our wedding party was in Clint’s hands.

After a quick look around the store we had a couple of options for the guys. Barry knew he wanted suits and that he would be buying his. So our options were the classic black, tan, or gray. I loved the gray. It reminded me of the movie The Wedding Date, don’t ask me why but I would have bet $50 that they wore gray suits. But since these are Barry’s guys and he didn’t get a say in my outfit or the bridesmaids for the big day we went with the classic black. Yes I know it could be worse and while we were in the store it almost was. Orange is one of our colors and at the start of the planning process it was THE color, and as planning has gone one it has become more of an accent color. So imagine my horror when in walked an orange tux and Barry looked GREAT in it. So after humoring me for a few pictures we were out of there. Classic black suit, white shirt, and gray tie, perfect. Done and done.

Yes ladies he is taken!!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Huppa, a Whata?

For us the ceremony is important. Although we are letting our officiants (a rabbi and a reverend) have full control over our ceremony I have given great thought into what I wanted the ceremony site to look like and lately I have been obsessed with the huppa. We are getting married at the country club over looking a beautiful lake and golf course so I wanted our huppa and other decorations to enhance the already beautiful terrace and view. In the Jewish religion the couple is married under a huppa. Usually the huppa is held up by the parents of the bride and groom but for us (and our mixed ceremony) our huppa will be a free standing structure. I knew we needed a huppa large enough for Barry and I to stand under along with our rabbi and reverend, I knew we wanted it to be light and airy, and with a little bling to go along with it. So I looked around the internet for inspiration and found a couple huppas that provided inspiration.

White cover, hanging down flowers, bamboo poles, and large enough for us is what we wanted.

When I was home a few months ago I got some fake orchids to hang down, some crystal prisms and my parents even got the bamboo poles so I was just looking for the white shear cloth to drape over the top. Enter Cost Plus World Market for the beautiful cloth that will drape over our huppa. It is white with a little gray detailed border that I have decided to sparkle up by added rhinestones to the edges.

Yes, It is a bed cover but will be our huppa cover!

It is beautiful and perfect, what more could I ask for. I can’t wait because in less than 8 months it will be put to great use.
