following in Jen's blogging footstep...
We all have been there and by there I mean when a friend gets a new significant other. Now there are a couple of camps of thought on how much friends should interject and give their opinions of a friend’s significant other. Now most of you know that I shoot straight from the hip and if I don’t like/agree with something I’m not going to sugar coat it but I will tell you my honest opinion as your friend. So when I see friend’s get into relationships that don’t make them a better person or make them happy your damn right I’m going to make my opinion known. But on the other hand when I see a healthy relationship where the couple makes each other happy, better people and overall a positive experience I’m going to voice that opinion too. You see I am an equal opinion voicer – in other words with me your going to get the good with the bad. I should also note that at anytime my opinion can and does change. For example if you want a fast pass (think Disneyland) to get on my bad side ask how much something cost or if I am paying for something…that is none of your damn business whether it be someone’s home, car, dinner, or OUR WEDDING. I repeat my money is none of your DAMN business.
So I got a little side tracked but I will get back on track and why I wanted to write this entry. Many of our single friends have recently entered into committed relationships and currently I could not be happier for them. They all seem so excited and happy and it is refreshing to be around new LUST and this just reminds me that I have a man who I LOVE so much and I remember lusting after him at one time (almost 5 years ago). So when trying to get to know these new girlfriends of my friends I ask questions like: do they make you happy? What do they do? Where are they from? What do they enjoy? Basic questions in order to get some basic information so when we met in person they know that I am generally interested in getting to know them as a person outside of the couple they have just formed. So it angers me when I hear “educated” people asking inappropriate questions. And when getting to know someone’s new significant other religion is an inappropriate question Why does someone’s religion have any indication on how much they might LOVE or any indication on the out come of the relationship? You see I am in a relationship with a man who loves me and I love him and at no point in time did our differing religions determine how much we would love or not love each other. Do only “Christians” love the right way? Is that why it matters?
For me being of a certain religion is not a deal breaker with regards to being in a healthy monogamous committed relationship. It is all about being a good, honest, ethical, moral, respectable person (I could go on and on). There are horrible people of all religions. Is Warren Jeffs a “Christian”? If so than that isn’t what I consider a good person let alone someone I would want to date/marry just because they are “Christian.” Who is “Christian”? Is it someone who believes in Jesus? So are Catholics, Methodists, Baptist “Christians”? Or is it only people who consider themselves “Christians” true “Christians”? And what about the “born again Christians”? I do hope one day those who believe/act like their religion is superior to others will take sometime to think about the message they are sending out and if that is the message that their religion would want other to judge it by. Why can’t people be happy for someone when they find love, regardless of religion, and realize that what you think you need in a significant other (i.e. your prerequisites) are different than your friend who has just entered into a new budding relationship?
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