Monday, July 14, 2008

Where to Start?

Wow, we have a blog. I knew Jen had told me she had a couple entries but I didn’t think she actually made it live for all those in cyber space to see. It is kinda cool how this whole blog thing has started for us.

A little back ground if you may. Jen and I met in August of 2002 in Tucson at the University of Arizona. I was an incoming freshman from Southern California who waited to long and was denied on campus housing and Jen was a returning sophomore from South Dakota who already had another roommate. We were “matched” and by that I think they saw female on the leasing application and put us together. We lived together for 3 years until Jen graduated college and went on to law school and in that time period we went through 2 other roommates and the occasional over night guest.

This blog might and will be all over the place as we (Jen and Britt) are a lot alike but a lot different. We are both currently planning weddings to our college sweethearts that are about a month and a half apart (yeah I think Jen’s honeymoon might be my bachelorette party – what do you think Matt?) all while dealing with the stress of day to day life. So sit back and enjoy as this will hopefully be as fun for you as it is for us.



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