So today has been a fun day already. Well I guess I should back track a little bit. So on Tuesday a dummy light in my car came in and after a little investigating on my part I found out this dummy light was saying to me “Hey dummy you need to get yourself some new breaks.” So I call the car dealer and schedule my appointment for Wednesday afternoon. After running a little late I get my car in and Scott (my service specialist) tells me an estimate of $200 but I politely remind Scott that he told me this would need to be fixed and quoted me $500 last time so whatever it is just a quote. So I am sitting there waiting for Barry to come get me (the car will have to spend the night at the Chandler dealership as opposed to in her Gilbert abode) Scott comes over and says to me “well it looks like it is going to be about $700.” Ouch is what I thought but I politely smiled and said to Scott “well it has to get done; these are my breaks we are talking about.” So with that I sealed my fate at having a $700 repair bill to deal with but lucky for me I didn’t have to deal with it tonight and I got a “free” car wash out of the deal. So at about 5:00 Scott calls to tell me the GOOD news. My care repair bill will only be $599 and some change and that he was happy he could save me a little over a hundred dollars. WOW what a deal I thought but than I remembered the original estimate of about $200 oh wait no $500 and realized I hate having to spend my money on LAME things like tires (which I had to do about a week ago), breaks, and any other car related expense. So that is how my day ended yesterday.
Today I go to pick up my clean car with new breaks and go to the cashier lady hand her my new debit/credit card and she tells me it is declined. WHAT? I don’t understand but I hand her my other card and am completely embarrassed by what happened but also know that there is plenty of money in that account to cover the $599 and some change charge I was trying to run, that is unless someone had gotten a hold of our account and drained it (highly unlikely considering Barry check the balance every morning and gives me an update on how much interest we earned the pervious day). So I get in my car still embarrassed and call Barry – he will have some answers for sure – and tell him my whole saga, of course I was being really dramatic and trying to stay calm. So I ask Barry to call the bank (not Bank of America) and find out what the deal is and they inform him that the account has a max amount that can come out in any given day and that it is X number of dollars (I don’t know what X is but WTF). So Barry tells the lady that when we signed up for the account we had asked it to be at Y amount (Y is much larger than X and would have covered my repair bill and not have caused me the embarrassment of this morning) so she changed it to Y so hopefully those situations are behind us and we will never have a card declined again. I just don’t get how people with no money in their accounts and always get declined get over the embarrassment.
So hopefully the rest of today will be better and my red cabbage salad is ready to have with tonight’s dinner because I am really excited to see how this recipe turns out.
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