Sunday, July 6, 2008


And I don't mean the fun one.

July 29 and 30 will be the worst two days of my life I’ve determined. Studying for the bar exam is the most utterly depressing experience. I go through a range of emotions from confidence to utter despair, sometimes within a matter of minutes; there are times where I feel incredibly nauseous. The bar is like taking 12 law school classes and having all 12 finals in 1 day (6 hours) and then a multiple choice question test the day after about different laws, the common law. One must study state specific laws and then the common law for the multiple choice exam.

I can deal with most topics – Torts, Constitutional Law, Criminal Law, even Property and Evidence I don’t mind. What really makes me angry and homicidal is CONTRACTS. I love how instructors tell you “don’t try to improve your contracts score on the MBE (multiple choice) because the questions are too tricky.” What??? Lame.

During this process, I have noticed that I have become an increasingly impatient, irrational, and mean person. This “bar studying Jennifer” is not the normal Jennifer. Little things irritate me beyond belief – I am surprised Matt and I have made it this far without a major fight. Thus, I apologize to anyone who may encounter “mean Jennifer.” Studying two months for a two day test will do that to a person, and I am not sure if I will be nice until the results are in, which is sometime in October. .

Countdown: 22 days until doom.

My advice – NEVER go to law school. :-(


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