Friday, January 9, 2009

Playing Dress Up

OMG!!!!! Guess what came in today? Yes that’s right my DRESS. I got all kind of panicky; what if I didn’t like it? What if it didn’t fit? What if? What if? What if? Telling myself to breathe was easier said than done. This was my largest wedding purchase to date and the most expensive piece of clothing I have ever purchased and owned so it had to be perfect. Within seconds of seeing her in the bag I knew she was still the one, and that I loved her more today than I did the first day we met. Come to think about it these are the emotions I hope Barry has when he sees me wearing her for the first time in 185 days – not that I am counting. Now a recap on the attire front: Dress: Check, Shoes (yes TWO pairs): Check, Veil: Check. That means I still need undergarments, jewelry, and maybe another hair accessory for when the veil comes off. Overall I am super excited, getting the dress in makes it all more real (as if it wasn’t real before) and it has renewed my sense of wanting to get more things done and finalized.


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