Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Hope over Fear

This is #100 post for us and I could not think of a better way to celebrate #100.

Today is a magnificent day.

Today we have President Obama. He has told us to be hopeful, rather than fearful. This is what we have been craving; we are tired of living life in fear.

President Obama highlighted many important issues in his speech today: it is not about big government vs. small government, it is about what works and then improving what works, to help one's neighbor, to have confidence in the American dream.

President Obama has given us a lot to be proud of - I am incredibly proud that he had a dinner last night honoring Senator John McCain. What a truly magnificent gesture.

President Obama has also given millions of us something else to be proud of, he has shown us what a loving, respectful marriage can look like.

I am excited that we have a first-couple who deeply love and respect each other, they are truly equals.

I admire Laura Bush for her grace and compassion, but she was never a strong force, not that there was anything wrong with that. Hillary Clinton is President's Clinton intellectual equal, but they (obviously) displayed contrasting messages about their love. Barbara Bush was not an intellectual force, perhaps behind the scenes, but not openly. And Nancy Reagan... We have had strong first ladies, but this is the first time we have had an openly strong and successful, as well as loving first lady.

I sincerely admire Abigail Adams and Eleanor Roosevelt; they accomplished great things, but only as much as society would let them. They were not considered their husband's equals, even though they were probably just as intellectual.

First Lady Michelle and President Obama convey their deep love and respect for each other. The way they smile at each other, hold hands, and even talk to each other, we can see their admiration for each other. Whenever I see Michelle grab Barack's hand, I find myself wanting to seek out Matt.
First Lady Michelle is a great role model - she is smart, attended Harvard Law, had a successful career and yet has balanced family life. It is hard for women to balance careers as well as having a family and Mrs. Obama has shown us that it can be accomplished.
Marriage is often disrespected as divorce is easily obtainable. Republican or Democrat, we can all agree, the Obama's have shown us a marriage we can all hope for.

And their daughters are the cutest things. I enjoy how spunky they are.

As my wedding day approaches, I hope that my marriage will resemble theirs after 16 years. "All you need is love," which is perhaps true, but to maintain a strong, successful marriage, I believe you also need more qualities like respect, admiration, humility, and many more.
I look forward to learning from the Obamas as I have with my own parents about marriage.

- Jen

Friday, January 16, 2009

My Two Least Favorite Words

Hiring Freeze.

I hate that phrase. I do not like to use the word hate, but I genuinely do not like to hear “hiring freeze.”

There are good days and bad days. Most bad days are when we hear “hiring freeze” from a law firm or county. We should not be surprised anymore, but when we have hope that someone is hiring, and then hear those words, it is frustrating.

We were hoping for something to work out in Pima County, but no dice. Pima County is also in a “hiring freeze.” Thus, we have resorted to applying to places like Yuma, Parker, Globe, etc. These are not places we want to live; we just want a job.

When we do have a job, I can not wait to move on with wedding plans. We have put on hold many things we did not expect: wedding bands, honeymoon, dance lessons, personal trainer, etc. Some are easier to give up on than others, the obvious ones. I have hope though; hope that things will turn around soon.

We are optimistic about our situation. My mom teases me that Matt and I are "practicing" for retired life. If we can make it through studying for the bar together, taking the bar together, waiting for results together, facing unemployment together - and not to mention all the other stuff like 3 years living 200 miles apart, going to two different law schools, so forth - I think we are ready for marriage and have no doubts.

Another thing I despise, the neighbor’s barking dogs. I swear the two houses behind us, their dogs have barking competitions to see who can be the most annoying. I love dogs with the best of them, and I understand their barking is “talking,” but enough already! I can not stand barking, yelping dogs. Three words I do like: barking dog ordinances.

Sorry for the doom and gloom post. I had to vent. I promise the next post will be fun and light-hearted.

Tomorrow I plan to start working on wreath number two so I can have it finished before my dad gets here. I think I have had enough of a break from the first one. :-)

- Jen

P.S. This is post number 99 for us. I feel pressure that we have to make #100 a good one!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Hello Again.

I have not blogged for awhile. I guess I have not felt inspired to blog about anything. I feel like I do not have anything exciting to say about my wedding or current job search. And I feel worthless if all I do is wedding stuff. Don’t get me wrong, I am very excited about all the upcoming weddings, but as the quote goes, “everything in moderation.” And it does not help that I have poisoned my computer by uninstalling something integral. Ops.

Why I am blogging… I have never liked the idea of New Year’s Resolutions. The excitement of a new year always dissipates quickly, as it already has for this new year. I am not making resolutions, but rather I feel inspired to be a better person, especially since 2009 is the year of big changes and big weddings!

My challenge to myself is to be healthier: mind, body and spirit.

1. Mind

I am going to challenge myself to read more, to fall in love with reading again. Law school and the bar effectively ruined my drive to read, but I did enjoy the Twilight series this Christmas break! I am also going to be more professional - I am going to respond to all e-mails, text messages, and phone calls promptly. Ignoring messages until later or procrastinating phone calls is a bad habit I am going to break.

2. Body

For me, this means trying new things and eating better. I am going to try new things at the gym, new classes and machines. But I am also going to bike more (I love my new bike I got for Christmas), play tennis with Matt, hike the other side of Camelback Mountain, and golf more. As for eating, I will eat more fruits and veggies. I am also setting a goal of not eating after 7:00 P.M., the recommended time by nutritionists. Of course there will be exceptions for special occasions.

Also with the weddings coming up, time to buff up. I want to be healthy just to be healthy, but with all the weddings in 2009, it gives me extra motivation. Matt and I started the 100 pushup challenge last week so we are on week 2. It is interesting thus far. I have been able to do all the pushups and it is getting easier, kind of. I will let you know if I can do a 100 at the end of week 6…

3. Spirit

I am going to keep a healthy spirit by continuing to go to church every weekend. Going to church can be difficult at times and mass is often the most rewarding when it is the hardest to get to. If we are going to go out on Saturday night, we will just prioritize and go to Saturday Mass at 4:00.

I am also going to be nicer; being nice is never overrated and I find myself quickly to criticize or get down on people. I am going to aim to see the bright side of things and to be more compassionate. I just feel better when I am happier.

Happy 2009! I know I am excited for this year!

- Jen

Friday, January 9, 2009

Playing Dress Up

OMG!!!!! Guess what came in today? Yes that’s right my DRESS. I got all kind of panicky; what if I didn’t like it? What if it didn’t fit? What if? What if? What if? Telling myself to breathe was easier said than done. This was my largest wedding purchase to date and the most expensive piece of clothing I have ever purchased and owned so it had to be perfect. Within seconds of seeing her in the bag I knew she was still the one, and that I loved her more today than I did the first day we met. Come to think about it these are the emotions I hope Barry has when he sees me wearing her for the first time in 185 days – not that I am counting. Now a recap on the attire front: Dress: Check, Shoes (yes TWO pairs): Check, Veil: Check. That means I still need undergarments, jewelry, and maybe another hair accessory for when the veil comes off. Overall I am super excited, getting the dress in makes it all more real (as if it wasn’t real before) and it has renewed my sense of wanting to get more things done and finalized.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Dress Registry? Who knew.

I came across THIS site earlier today and thought it was so funny. I spent a few minutes checking out some of the events and criticizing (oh wait I mean looking at) some of the dresses that have been “registered” for these events. Some dresses are beautiful like this one and appropriate for the event. Other dresses made me LAUGH. I couldn’t believe someone will be wearing some of the dresses. I also began to look at the level of formality each woman would be wearing (this is something I stress out about – being under or over dressed). Take these for example:
(Classic and Elegant)

(Short and Sassy)

both are lovely and beautiful but should they really be at the same event? For me if I registered my dress I would be constantly comparing it to everyone else’s dress before I even got to the party and had no other option but to rock it.

Maybe I could start a “party” for my wedding guests and we can all sit at home gawking at what each other would be wearing long before the big day. We could also get reacquainted with each other ‘cuz lord knows we all have a Dear Aunt whom we haven’t seen in years, at least than we could spot her based on the lovely retired Floridian beach wear she will be sporting, which she so kindly took the time to register, and be sure to thank her for the lovely Mickey keep sake she sent.

Hopefully the registering your dress site wont become an over night hit, giving us ladies one more reason to stress about what to wear to an important event, because we all know guys could care less if some other dude has on the same black tux.
