Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Sarah Palin Hates Polar Bears

Sarah Palin sued the Bush Administration for adding the polar bear to the endangered species list because it would interfere with the oil industry. And she is the one who fought the big lobbyists?

We have had 8 years of defending and helping the oil industry. We do not need another individual who is too friendly for the oil industry.

The polar bears have existed a lot long than cars have and she thinks that oil is more important than this beautiful creature.

And Alaska is right in the middle of this battle:

An aerial survey by government scientists in Alaska’s Chukchi Sea has recently found at least nine polar bears swimming in open water – with one at least 60 miles from shore – raising concern among wildlife experts about their survival.

Not only that - she does not believe that climate change is person-made. I did not know she was also a scientist. Even President Bush has admitted to this. We do not need another administration that is stubborn about the science and international communities. We can not fix the problem if one can not find the source.

This does not sound like change. Seems like more of the same with the Bush Administration. At least President Bush wanted the polar bears on the endangered species list. This is more change than what Sarah Palin would bring.

How could you hate this guy?

- Jen

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